Live Streaming on CareerFairy
As more and more companies get used to host career live streams on CareerFairy, we wanted to create a short document to provide insights on what to expect and how to prepare for your upcoming event on our platform. If you are about to host a career live stream and want to know how to get ready, you are in the right place! First things first Before we start with the details, I wanted to personally thank you for deciding to begin your journey into career streaming. The reason myself and ThomaFeaturedShare a Presentation on CareerFairy
Sharing a video on CareerFairy It is simpler than you thought! If you want to share a video during your live stream on CareerFairy, this article may contain some useful information for you to do this successfully on the day of your event. In any case, please test the video sharing before your live stream to ensure that all technical requirements are met. Let us introduce a few options you have for video sharing: Share a video through YouTube: YouTube is the premier video sharing platfFeaturedHow to use the CareerFairy Streaming App
The CareerFairy streaming platform is a simple and intuitive app that will look familiar to most users who have ever interacted with a videoconferencing software. However, even if we do use analogies with videoconferencing apps such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom or Skype, don’t forget that during the event, you will not see your audience (unless any participants use the hand raise feature, we’ll get to that later). Get connected and select your microphone and camera When initially opening the strSome readersLive Stream Your Way to Top Talent: A Guide to Engaging Gen Z Recruitment!
Awesome decision to explore live streaming! 👏 When you’re looking to connect with Gen Z talent in a way that's both fun and informative, video live streaming is the answer, and CareerFairy is here to make it simple and super effective. Here’s your guide to a great live stream in 3 stages Before the live stream During the live stream After your live stream Before your live stream ChoFew readersHow to create great Sparks
Divide your answer in 3 blocks of content The context Introduce your role within the company. This part needs to show why you’re the right person in the company to answer this question. Reply precisely to the question Using your imagination, picture someone in front of you asking you questions. Focus on giving the most useful possible reply. Choose beforehand a few relevant points to illustrate your answer. Avoid reciting from a script as you'll want it to feel natural. It is importFew readers